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Berlin 2017 Conference Evaluation

Q1. There was good variety of speakers: 79% (38 votes / 48 responses)

Q2. The introductory session dealing with history, diagnosis and microbiology was useful: 73% (38 / 52)

Q3. Presentations and discussion on PSD classification were useful: 80% (40 / 50)

Q4. Presentations of international guidelines helped me to understand my own practice: Yes 56% (29 / 52)   or   Somewhat 31% (16 / 52)

Q7. The most useful presentations were: Gips technique, modified Lord-Millar, Bascom Lift, Limberg flap, Karydakis Flap.



Q9 and Q10.The free comments were very informative and will help with planning of the next meeting:

- 1.5 or 2 days

- keep the short format (7 - 9 minutes per speaker)

- fewer speakers

- longer breaks to allow discussion

- more central and formal location in Europe

- presence of a microbiologist, anatomist

- ideas about prevention