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4th International Pilonidal Conference Summary


The 4th International Pilonidal Conference was held on 5 and 6 October 2024 in Istanbul, Türkiye.


Co-convened by Doç. Dr. Çiğdem Arslan (Türkiye) and Dr Peter Wysocki (Australia).


SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE: PD Dr. Dietrich Doll, Dr Susanne Haas, Prof. Dr. Feza Karakayalı, Prof. Dr. Cüneyt Kayaalp


The first session was a science and statistics update.





Berlin 2017 Classification
Type 1: midline disease only
Type 2: midline disease plus lateral opening
Type 3: disease below tip of coccyx
Type 4: recurrence


The next session was How I Do It.
Igors Iesalnieks presented pit-picking and Lord-Millar.


Steve Immerman demonstrated the Cleft LIft for perianal recurrence.


Mehmet Kaplan presented the different ways of positioning the Limberg Flap - but only some can be considered "off-midline" ie. lowermost scar does not cross the midline.


Peter Wysocki explained the markings for the Karydakis Flap


Tom Bascom presented the Cleft Lift as initially described by his father.


Sessions 3, 4, 5 allowed further presentations, discussions and free paper presentations.







The traditional team photo.


The invited guest dinner.



Fewer were able to attend on day 2, but the discussion was stimulating and Dr Søren Laurberg made some interesting observations.



Hopefully the momentum we have developed will propel the society further!